Check out our Pickleball Open Play Schedule!

Transform Your Play with Advanced Technology

We know the struggle & frustration when you disagree with a call on the court. Play Pickleball Club is proud to enable our players to use camera and AI technology.

Our technology keeps a live scoreboard, relieving you of keeping score and allowing you to only worry about playing the game.

Because players can watch back their game on the spot, you never have to question if a call was the right one again. Utilize our technology to play the game accurately and without conflict.

In addition, the AI will generate playing stats based on the course of the game. With a TV on each court, players can view automated highlights and stats in real time. You can review play, annotate clips, and even share on social media!

We also know form is everything. Now you can see how you look in real time versus what you think you look like (we know this can be humbling). Seriously, watching your game back allows you to identify weak spots in your game to ensure you are improving each time you step on the court. Develop your game like never before.

Of course, this is only for the players who actually care about match statistics and/or improving their game. We know others are just there for exercise, fun, and to socialize! That’s why half of our courts are equipped with tech and half aren’t!

With our advanced camera and AI technology, you’ll never have to question a call again. Review every play, enhance your skills, and perfect your form with ease. Join us and elevate your pickleball game to the next level!